Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
- Alicia Gibson
- Amanda B. Friedman
- Meghan Petras
- Sara Murphy
- as well as a DJ set by Melissa Brown, 9-10 pm at the opening
- Joey, a rap by Gina Beavers
- Here to talk about Joey
- Had his picture on my wall, my one and only
- It started at school, me pressed up against the bricks
- In the summer out back, in the sticks
- The city screamed to us from it’s canyons
- With its beats and passion and sins
- We scrawled our names on its walls
- An ancient city—
- we moaned our love down its halls
- We scratched our names in the sand
- And when we fought I scratched lines in his hand
- I saved all our memories in my scrapbook
- Empty pack of cigs, a ticket stub, all ready for one look
- That day it rained, he came round the same way
- The clouds crowning down, waiting for our play
- Oh, yeah and how we had loved minute to minute
- Never lookin up, not thinkin time would tip it
- April 27th - May 20th, 2012
- 566 Johnson (entrance on Stewart)
- Bushwick, BK
- Open Sats/Suns 12-6 or by appt.
- Opening Friday April 27th, 7-10pm
- B.Y.O.B
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Final Frontier
The Atlantic Conference Presents:
The Final Frontier
Curated by Matt Jones
April 21, 2012, 7-10 PM
340 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
Art is a way one can express themselves without the concern of boundaries. I feel a lot of people often think of art as "being creative," even though it's much more than that. "Being creative" comes in various forms. The way you brush your teeth is creative because it's your own technique; and the outfit you choose to wear out of the house in the morning is creative since it's your own style.
I like the idea of there being another Tali Autovino in the universe somewhere, for I have spent several hours of my life trying to determine what animal I 'll reincarnate into in my next life, even though all signs point to an aardvark. I haven't thought much about there being life on other planets, although David Bowie wrote a song about life on Mars.
I believe that if there is life on another planet, all the people will look like the Snorks. Our personalities will be represented by the color Snork we are, so developing relationships will be a lot easier. I'm not sure what the antennae thing on our heads will be good for, but like I said, we can "be creative" with it.
So, what do people mean when they say, "in an alternate universe…" or, "in what world…"? Your guess is almost as good as mine, even though I'm not sure what yours is. My guess is that when people say "in an alternate universe," they mean "if things weren't so bad, they'd be splendiferous," even though that's probably not true. We, as human beings, rely on a higher power whether that be God, a foreign world, or our mothers. It gives us a sense of comfort and sanctuary from a world that is entirely built on curiosity.
Tali Autovino, April 13, 2012
Artists Include:
Tatiana Berg
Jean-Baptiste Bernadet
James Brittingham
Kadar Brock
Kate Casey
James Case Leal
Andrea Claire
Gene Coffey
Kirsten Deirup
Brian Dulaney
Brock Enright
Giovanni Forlino
Josh Freydkis
Mark Gibson
Max Gimblett
Tamara Gonzales
Stephanie Gonzalez-Turner
Daniel Heidkamp
Jay Henderson
Amber Ibarreche
Matt Jones
Benjamin King
Harmony Korine
Noah Lyon
Billy Maker
Virginia Martenson
Rob Nadeau
Jon Newman
Eli Ping
Jason Peters
Max Razdow
Guadalupe Rosales
Guy Richards Smit
Jason Tomme
Kim Westfall
Eric Wiley
Jen Zakrzewski
more info:
Monday, April 16, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Final Frontier

The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination. - James T. Kirk
Opening and Closing Reception:
Brilliant artists include:
Tatiana Berg
Jean-Baptiste Bernadet
Kadar Brock
Kate Casey
James Case Leal
Brian Dulaney
Giovanni Forlino
Mark Gibson
Max Gimblett
Tamara Gonzales
Stephanie Gonzalez-Turner
Daniel Heidkamp
Jay Henderson
Amber Ibarreche
Matt Jones
Benjamin King
Harmony Korine
Guadalupe Rosales
Billy Maker
Rob Nadeau
Jon Newman
Eli Ping
Jason Peters
Guy Richards Smit
Eric Wiley
Jen Zakrzewski
Friday, April 6, 2012
Open Call: On the Fence at The Dirty Dirty

The Dirty Dirty
672 Westminster Road
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Over the years The Dirty Dirty has held events in its yard, but the 6’ high fence has kept passers-by from entering and experiencing the exhibitions. “On The Fence” aims to reverse this effect by hanging art on the exterior of the fence, whereby pedestrians will encounter the works as they stroll along Westminster Road.
Those who wish to participate in this neighborhood-friendly
While the title describes the nature of the show’s hanging, it also alludes to the idiomatic expression of being “undecided”. It is strongly encouraged that you present work that you have never exhibited, precisely because you have been “on the fence” about it.
*The Dirty Dirty is not responsible for any missing or damaged artworks.
More information is here.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Osamu Kobayashi: Maze Haze
via gabriele rosa, 22a 25121 – Brescia (I) +39.030.5031203