1237-1241 Broadway at Greene Ave.
Saturday, June 20th, 2015 at 3:00 PM
3:00 pm -- Mark Micchelli 30 min musical prodigy sort - acoustic accordion and guitar
3:45 -- Veronica Torres-- mystery performance (10mins)
4:00 -- Jeremy Sigler Poet - He’s published a whole ton of stuff. "Crackpot Poet"
4:45 -- Terminal Intrusion-- The amazing poet/performer/artist/
5:30 -- David Shull-- sings songs
6:15 -- Daniel Klag-- soundscapes
7:00 -- The Spookfish
8:00 --Colin O’Con Dark Carpet 35 min rock&roll bandcamp.com/darkcarpet
9:00 --Michael Perrone artist and short film projectionist
Brought to you by the 'Paintings in Trees' People to Benefit the People's Garden