Apr 19
Paintings by:
- Alicia Gibson
- Amanda B. Friedman
- Meghan Petras
- Sara Murphy
- as well as a DJ set by Melissa Brown, 9-10 pm at the opening
- Joey, a rap by Gina Beavers
- Here to talk about Joey
- Had his picture on my wall, my one and only
- It started at school, me pressed up against the bricks
- In the summer out back, in the sticks
- The city screamed to us from it’s canyons
- With its beats and passion and sins
- We scrawled our names on its walls
- An ancient city—
- we moaned our love down its halls
- We scratched our names in the sand
- And when we fought I scratched lines in his hand
- I saved all our memories in my scrapbook
- Empty pack of cigs, a ticket stub, all ready for one look
- That day it rained, he came round the same way
- The clouds crowning down, waiting for our play
- Oh, yeah and how we had loved minute to minute
- Never lookin up, not thinkin time would tip it
- April 27th - May 20th, 2012
- 566 Johnson (entrance on Stewart)
- Bushwick, BK
- Open Sats/Suns 12-6 or by appt.
- Opening Friday April 27th, 7-10pm
- B.Y.O.B
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